The 9 Healthiest Dishes To Order At Red Lobster—And 4 To Avoid
The 9 Healthiest Dishes To Order At Red Lobster—And 4 To Avoid

The 9 Healthiest Dishes To Order At Red Lobster—And 4 To Avoid

Red Lobster is a seafood lover’s paradise, offering a diverse menu featuring lobster, shrimp, scallops, and salmon. Besides the delicious flavors, these dishes can also deliver impressive health benefits.

Seafood is a rich source of lean protein, iodine, selenium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, all essential nutrients that support heart health, brain function, and bone strength. According to dietary guidelines, it’s recommended to eat 8 ounces of seafood per week, making Red Lobster a convenient way to meet this health goal.

However, not all menu items at Red Lobster are equally nutritious. Many options are high in calories, fat, and sodium, which can negate the health benefits of seafood. Choosing wisely from the menu can help you enjoy a healthier dining experience without derailing your diet.

How We Selected The Healthiest Red Lobster Menu Items

Here are the factors considered when identifying the healthiest dishes at Red Lobster:

Main Protein: Red Lobster offers protein-rich meals, especially featuring seafood, but also includes chicken and steak. We focused on dishes featuring nutrient-dense seafood, lean meats, and healthy chicken options.

Preparation Methods: The cooking method plays a critical role in the nutritional value of dishes. We prioritized meals that are grilled, broiled, or steamed rather than fried or breaded to keep calorie, fat, and sodium levels lower.

Lower Fat Content: Healthy eating guidelines suggest keeping fat intake to less than 10% of daily calories, or about 22 grams in a 2,000-calorie diet. We selected menu items with lower levels of total and saturated fats, as sides can often add extra fat.

Reduced Sodium: Some dishes at Red Lobster can exceed 2,300 milligrams of sodium, which is more than the daily recommended intake. High sodium intake increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Therefore, we selected meals with lower sodium levels to ensure a heart-healthy dining experience.

This guide helps you navigate the Red Lobster menu by identifying both the healthiest options and some items you may want to skip.

Healthiest Dishes To Order At Red Lobster

1. Black Tiger Shrimp Cocktail

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 180
    • Fat: 4 g
    • Sodium: 1,180 mg
    • Protein: 23 g

Why It’s Healthy:
Shrimp is a lean source of protein and is low in calories, making it a fantastic starter for those watching their calorie intake. It also provides essential minerals like iodine, which supports thyroid function.

Reducing or eliminating the cocktail sauce can cut down on sodium significantly. Opt for a squeeze of fresh lemon instead for flavor without added sodium.

2. Seafood-Stuffed Mushrooms

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 390
    • Fat: 22 g
    • Sodium: 1,080 mg
    • Protein: 30 g

Why It’s Healthy:
Although slightly high in fat and sodium, seafood-stuffed mushrooms are packed with protein, making it a filling and nutritious option for a lighter meal.

The seafood stuffing adds beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, while mushrooms provide antioxidants and essential nutrients like B vitamins. The portion size of this dish helps control calorie intake as well.

3. New England Clam Chowder (Cup)

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 240
    • Fat: 15 g
    • Sodium: 680 mg
    • Protein: 7 g

Why It’s Healthy:
A cup of clam chowder is a reasonable portion size for those craving something warm and hearty without overindulging. While it does contain saturated fat, it’s a lower-calorie option compared to other soups.

Clams also provide iron and vitamin B12, which are essential for energy and nerve function. Be cautious of sodium, but it’s lower than many other soup options at Red Lobster.

4. Classic Caesar Salad With Grilled Salmon

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 1,070
    • Fat: 81 g
    • Sodium: 1,700 mg
    • Protein: 59 g

Why It’s Healthy:
Grilled salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart and brain health. Although this salad is higher in fat and calories, the salmon makes it worth considering due to its rich content of healthy fats and protein. Request the dressing on the side to control fat and sodium intake.

5. Bourbon Bacon Chicken

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 570
    • Fat: 16 g
    • Sodium: 870 mg
    • Protein: 65 g

Why It’s Healthy:
If you’re looking for a non-seafood option, Bourbon Bacon Chicken is a lower-calorie, lower-fat choice compared to other menu items. It provides ample protein while keeping saturated fat and sodium in check. Pair it with vegetable sides for a balanced meal.

6. Grilled Sea Scallops & Shrimp Skewers

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 350
    • Fat: 11 g
    • Sodium: 1,620 mg
    • Protein: 31 g

Why It’s Healthy:
Scallops and shrimp are lean sources of protein and are naturally low in fat. They offer a light, healthy meal option at Red Lobster. However, sodium is a concern, so consider pairing this dish with a steamed vegetable side to balance the meal.

7. Steamed Lobster With Baked Potato And Broccoli (No Butter)

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 600
    • Fat: 29 g
    • Sodium: 2,130 mg
    • Protein: 43 g

Why It’s Healthy:
Lobster is a nutrient-dense, lean protein choice, but it’s important to skip the melted butter, which can add unnecessary calories and saturated fat. The baked potato and broccoli provide fiber, potassium, and vitamins, making it a well-rounded meal.

8. 6 oz. Filet Mignon With Baked Potato And Broccoli

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 720
    • Fat: 33 g
    • Sodium: 2,980 mg
    • Protein: 44 g

Why It’s Healthy:
Filet mignon is one of the leaner cuts of beef, offering a high-protein option without too much saturated fat. Pairing it with a baked potato and broccoli offers fiber and nutrients but keep an eye on sodium levels.

9. Coleslaw

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 110
    • Fat: 8 g
    • Sodium: 140 mg
    • Protein: 2 g

Why It’s Healthy:
Coleslaw is a light, low-calorie side option compared to some of the higher-fat vegetable dishes on the menu. It provides fiber and some vitamins from the cabbage, making it a refreshing and lighter side.

Dishes To Avoid At Red Lobster

1. Chicken Bacon Ranch Flatbread

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 1,210
    • Fat: 63 g
    • Sodium: 3,130 mg
    • Protein: 66 g

Why Avoid It:
This dish is extremely high in calories, fat, and sodium. The high saturated fat content increases the risk of heart disease, while the sodium content exceeds daily recommendations, making it a poor choice for those watching their health.

2. Fish And Chips

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 1,230
    • Fat: 65 g
    • Sodium: 2,910 mg
    • Carbs: 117 g

Why Avoid It:
Fish is generally healthy, but the battered and fried preparation of this dish increases calorie, fat, and sodium content. The combination of fried fish and high-carb sides like fries makes it a less healthy option.

3. Lobster Linguini

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 1,230
    • Fat: 69 g
    • Sodium: 3,140 mg
    • Protein: 70 g

Why Avoid It:
The Lobster Linguini is high in calories, fat, and sodium. One serving contains over the daily recommended limit of saturated fat and sodium, making it a less favorable option for those trying to eat healthier.

4. Crunch Fried Flounder Sandwich With Fries And Coleslaw

  • Nutritional Facts:
    • Calories: 1,770
    • Fat: 100 g
    • Sodium: 4,040 mg
    • Carbs: 179 g

Why Avoid It:
This meal is extremely high in fat, sodium, and carbohydrates. With nearly 1,800 calories, it can quickly derail any healthy eating plan. The high sodium content is also a major concern for heart health.


Red Lobster offers several healthy and delicious seafood options that can support a balanced diet rich in lean protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential nutrients. However, it’s essential to be mindful of high-calorie, high-sodium dishes that can outweigh the benefits of seafood.

Opt for grilled or steamed dishes like the Grilled Sea Scallops & Shrimp Skewers or the Black Tiger Shrimp Cocktail to maintain a healthy balance. Avoid fried or overly processed options to enjoy a nutritious dining experience.


1. What Is The Healthiest Dish At Red Lobster?

Grilled Sea Scallops & Shrimp Skewers is a low-calorie, lean protein option that’s one of the healthiest choices on the menu.

2. How Can I Reduce Calories At Red Lobster?

Opt for grilled or steamed seafood, avoid fried dishes, and request sauces and dressings on the side.

3. Is Lobster Healthy?

Yes, lobster is low in fat and high in protein. However, it’s healthiest when served without butter.

4. What Should I Avoid At Red Lobster?

Avoid fried items like Fish and Chips and dishes with high fat and sodium content, such as the Chicken Bacon Ranch Flatbread.

5. Can I Eat Steak At Red Lobster And Still Be Healthy?

Yes, choosing lean cuts like filet mignon and pairing them with vegetable sides can help keep the meal nutritious.1


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