CDC Names Healthiest Vegetable—And It Might Surprise You
CDC Names Healthiest Vegetable—And It Might Surprise You

CDC Names Healthiest Vegetable—And It Might Surprise You

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released findings that may surprise many when it comes to choosing the healthiest vegetable. After assessing nutritional content across various vegetables, one particular vegetable topped the list due to its nutrient density, making it the healthiest option you can add to your meals.

What Is The Healthiest Vegetable According To The CDC?

The CDC uses a scoring system to evaluate vegetables based on their content of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Surprisingly, watercress emerged as the healthiest vegetable. It might not be as commonly discussed as spinach or kale, but its impressive nutrient profile earned it the top spot.

Watercress scored an incredible 100 on the CDC’s nutrient density scale, meaning it provides the highest concentration of nutrients per calorie compared to other vegetables. Its rich content of vitamins A, C, and K, along with calcium and antioxidants, makes it a powerhouse for health.

VegetableNutrient Density ScoreKey Nutrients
Watercress100Vitamins A, C, K, Calcium, Antioxidants
Kale49.07Vitamins A, C, K, Fiber
Spinach86.43Iron, Magnesium, Folate
Broccoli34.89Vitamin C, Fiber, Potassium

Why Is Watercress The Healthiest Vegetable?

Watercress is packed with essential nutrients that support overall health. It has high levels of:

  • Vitamin K: Plays a critical role in bone health and blood clotting.
  • Vitamin A and C: Known for supporting immune function, skin health, and vision.
  • Antioxidants: These compounds help fight oxidative stress, reducing the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.
  • Calcium: Vital for bone health and reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Because watercress contains these vital nutrients while being low in calories, it’s a great addition to any meal without the risk of consuming too many calories.

How To Include Watercress In Your Diet

Watercress is versatile and can be incorporated into a variety of dishes. Here are a few easy ways to add it to your diet:

  • Salads: Watercress makes a perfect base for salads thanks to its peppery flavor.
  • Smoothies: Toss a handful into a smoothie for a nutrient boost.
  • Sandwiches: Add it to sandwiches or wraps for an extra crunch.
  • Soups: Use it as a garnish for soups or blend it into a green soup.

Why Should You Care About Nutrient Density?

Nutrient-dense foods, like watercress, provide the most vitamins and minerals per calorie. This means you can eat fewer calories while still meeting your body’s nutritional needs. Including nutrient-dense vegetables in your diet helps improve overall health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and can support weight loss or weight maintenance.


Watercress may not be the most well-known vegetable, but its exceptional nutrient profile makes it the healthiest choice according to the CDC. Packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, watercress supports overall health while adding versatility to your meals. Incorporating it into your diet is a simple way to boost your nutrient intake and improve your well-being.


1. What Is The Cdc’s Nutrient Density Score?

The CDC ranks foods based on their nutrient density, meaning how many nutrients they provide relative to their calorie content. Foods like watercress score high because they are rich in essential nutrients and low in calories.

2. Why Is Watercress The Healthiest Vegetable?

Watercress is high in vitamins K, A, C, and calcium, while also providing important antioxidants that support overall health.

3. How Can I Incorporate Watercress into My Diet?

Watercress can be used in salads, sandwiches, smoothies, and soups to add a nutritional boost without overwhelming flavors.

4. Are Other Vegetables Healthy Too?

Yes, many vegetables such as kale, spinach, and broccoli are still incredibly nutritious, but watercress edges them out in overall nutrient density.

5. Is Watercress Difficult To Find?

Watercress is often available in grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and online. It may be less common than spinach or kale, but it’s becoming more widely available due to its growing popularity.


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